Tuesday, November 12, 2013

So I suck.....

I haven't posted here in forever and it really upsets me. I really wanted this whole blogging thing to work for me, but right now it just isn't the time I suppose. I am having a hard enough time being a woman trying to do it all while my husband is deployed, a mom to a very clingy needy 4 year old who constantly wants my attention all day long while her brother is at school. Spending as much time with my kids as I can, they are only young once and they are the priority in my life. Then there is running my oldest to and from school everyday, volunteering in his class every Friday, football Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, my youngest has gymnastics on Monday and dance on Wednesday. Then there is half marathon training, strength training, all the prep that goes into eating clean and making all meals at home, as well as all the daily chores that need to be taken care of. I can't seem to find the balance with all of that and writing blogs on a regular basis. Who am I kidding I have a heard enough time trying to balance all of that alone!

My dream to one day be a rockstar blogger becomes more and more distant everyday. :( I don't have the time it takes to write and finish a blog post. I have about 20 in draft at the moment. I don't have the time to read others blogs to try to work my way into that great running/fitness blogger circle. I don't have time to constantly post on twitter to get my name out there and more followers. Social media is a lot of work. It is a job in itself and unfortunately I don't have what it takes right now. I know what I am doing is what is right for my family at the moment. Right now I need to continue to stand behind my husband while he works on his career and his dreams. My day will come, but for now I am going to enjoy my current path and soak up every ounce of time I can with my family.

This isn't goodbye, more so a I will be a fly by blogger for a while post. When I find the time you will see me on here posting recipes, workouts, race recaps, ideas for kids, parenting, etc. That is what I wanted this blog to be about. Being a marathon mom in not just in a running aspect, but a parenting aspect as well. Until then keep checking in because you never know when I might have something new to read about. :)