Friday, August 30, 2013

Butternut Squash Rice Casserole

I bought a butternut squash this week to use in a salad of sorts, but after being stuck inside all day because of the rain I really wanted a fall-ish dish for dinner. I threw some things together and came up with this. I loved it, enough to share the recipe, obviously. Little Man finished it, but he did not care for it. Baby Girl on the other hand gobbled it up.

This can be made ahead of time and reheated, which is what I did. I am no chef so I needed to make it early enough that I would have time to make something else for dinner if I failed miserably. Thankfully that was not the case. I put that it makes 2 adult servings, but you will probably have extra. For us it was 1 adult, 2 kid size servings and I had enough left over for lunch.

Butternut Squash Rice Casserole (makes about 2 adult servings)
2 cups cooked brown rice
2 cups mashed butternut squash (cut a small butternut squash in half length wise, remove seeds, place facedown on a baking sheet and bake for 30-40 minutes at 450 degrees)
1 can white beans, drained and rinsed
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
1/8 tsp coriander
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup milk (I used unsweetend almond milk)

Mix squash with spices until well combined then mix in rice and beans. If your rice and squash were hot then you can go ahead and serve it. If you were like me and made it ahead of time either reheat in the microwave or bake at 350 for 20 minutes or until thoroughly heated. 


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Pina Colada Overnight Oats

We are big fans of overnight oats in this house and have them a couple mornings every week. I am always trying new mixtures to change things up so we don't get bored with them. I will start posting my concoctions on here for you to enjoy as well.

Pina Colada Overnight Oats (makes 2 servings)
1 cup rolled oats (old fashioned oats)
1 TBSP chia Seeds
1 1/2 cups coconut milk (or your preferred milk)
4 TBSP unsweetened shredded coconut
Sweetener-optional (I personally do not add it)

Mix all ingredients well and refrigerate overnight. I make mine in a mason jar. Put everything in, shake it up and in the fridge it goes.

The next morning add some fresh pineapple chunks or you can do like I did and make a pineapple soft serve to add on top or layer it in a glass. I like to top it off with a little more coconut before serving.

Pineapple Soft Serve:
Blend 1 frozen banana and 1 cup of frozen pineapple, scraping the sides frequently as you blend, until it is the consistency of ice cream. You can also add a little milk to speed up the process, but don't add too much or you will end up with a smoothie. :)


Monday, August 26, 2013

Monday Miles 8/26

Week of 8/19-8/25

It was not a good week for me. I have been battling with either a bad head cold or my sinuses are totally clogged again. To make matters worse my daily nasal inhaler must have been been out of meds for a few days before I even realized it. Note to self check how many doses are left daily!!! Those 120 doses go fast when you use at least 4 a day, sometimes 8.

Wednesday: 4 miles
Saturday: 4 miles
Sunday: 3.1 miles

I missed one day of my training and yesterday I only did half the amount of miles I was supposed to. I decided to try to run outside and it is still too hot and humid, plus my head was throbbing and my nose a leaky faucet from my sinuses. I decided to listen to my body and call it quits before going for another loop around.

Highlights: None

Weekly: 11.1 miles
Monthly: 68 miles
Yearly: 312 miles
62% of my goal to run 500 miles is complete!!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

5 ways to make mornings run smothly

This past week was the first week of school and a big adjustment for us. It is funny how a couple months off and get you so out of practice. By the end of the week everything was running smoothly since we all started adapting to our new morning routine. When we got in the car to head to school on Friday I looked at the clock and we were actually leaving 10 minutes earlier than we normally do! Here are some of my tips for making our mornings run a little more smoothly.

#1 Lay out clothes the night before.
This helps me tremendously. Both of my kids (3 & 6) dress themselves and have been doing so for over a year now. When they wake up in the morning the first thing that do it make their beds, get dressed and brush their teeth, not always in that order, but it is usually done before they wander into the kitchen for breakfast.

#2 Pack lunches the night before.
The mornings that I seem to be rushed the most are those that I forgot to pack lunch the night before. Some evenings I am just too tired to do it, but the next morning I curse myself for not doing it. I usually leave things that will go stale or get soggy for morning. I have it ready to be put in the bento or lunch box so I don't forget about it too. Usually on top of the bento in the fridge or out on the counter next to the water bottle I need to fill and put in.

#3 Make breakfast the night before
We do not do much processed foods in this house and having cereal is rarely an option. I usually make a batch of muffins that will last 2-3 days, prep some overnight oats the night before, or make pancakes/waffles over the weekend and reheat them in the morning. Oatmeal, yogurt parfaits, and such are also quick and healthy options. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and I don't want my kids starting it with a belly full of processed, artificial, nastiness.

#4 Start a routine
The thing that eases our mornings the most is that everyone knows the routine, what they need to be doing and when they need to do it. Ours goes a little like this for the kids:
Wake up, make bed, get dressed, brush teeth, feed/water dog, eat breakfast, clean up, come to me to get hair done, put shoes and socks on, and at this point if we are ahead of schedule they have free time to play (we do not turn the TV on in the morning). When it is time to go, grab backpack, lunch box and head out the door.

#5 Wake up earlier
This one was the hardest for me. I am not a morning person at all. This year I decided to wake up 15 minutes earlier than last year and it has been well worth it. I don't feel rushed and flustered trying to get everything done and out of the door in time. I actually have time to talk to the kids and enjoy their company in the morning instead of being a drill sergeant saying we need to do this, now that, hurry up we are going to be late.

I hope you can use one or all of these tips to ease the morning rush in your household.

What are some things that you do to ease the morning rush?

Monday, August 19, 2013

Monday Miles 8/19

Week of 8/12-8/18

It was a busy beginning of the week for me, but I still managed to get in all the miles my training plan called for. It may have taken running twice in one day, but it was worth it.

Thursday: 4 miles a.m 6.2 miles p.m.
Saturday: 4 miles
Sunday: 8 miles

New 10K PR 54:21 and 8 miles I ran was in under a 9 minute/mile pace!!!!

Weekly: 22.2
Monthly: 56.9
Yearly: 301
60% of my goal to run 500 miles is complete!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Monday Miles 8/12

Week of 8/4-8/11

Monday: 45 minutes elliptical
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: 4.5 miles
Thursday: 4 miles
Friday: rest
Saturday: 4 miles
Sunday: 7 miles

Nothing really exciting this week.

Weekly: 19.5 miles
Monthly: 34.7 miles
Yearly: 278 miles
56% of my goal of 500 miles is complete!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Added another race!

See that list over there ------>

I added another race to it this week. I decided to run the Tinkerbell 10K since I was going all the way to CA to do the half marathon! That makes 3 back to back 10K/Half Marathon races in my future! Along with registering for the 10K I booked my plane ticket and hotel for Tinkerbell weekend. It is going to be a girls weekend with my sister in law and I am so excited for it. She is also flying down in February to do the Glass Slipper Challenge with me. I am really hoping she gets orders to move down here so I will have a partner for all the runDisney races! If you haven't run a runDisney race you really should! They are so much fun!

What races are you most looking forward to this upcoming race season?

Monday, August 5, 2013

Monday Miles 8/5

Week of 7/29-8/3

Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 3.53 miles
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: 5 miles
Friday: 60 minutes elliptical
Saturday: 4 miles
Sunday: 6.2 miles

New 10K PR 55:57

Weekly: 18.73 miles
Monthly: 15.2 miles
Yearly: 259 miles
52% of my goal of 500 miles is complete

Thursday, August 1, 2013

August Goals

Here are my fitness/lifestyle goals for the month!

Running: 86+ miles that is on my training plan
Elliptical: 200 minutes
Push-up's: 200
Squats: 1800
Lifestyle: Eat Clean most of the week and give myself one indulge day for each meal per week.

I also want to start working on strength training. I do not have a gym membership so I have to figure out a plan working with the couple free weights and such that I have at home.

What are your goals for August?