Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Happy 1 year runaversary to me!!

1 year ago today I did something a little crazy, I signed up for the Princess Half Marathon. The fact that I signed up was not the crazy part, the crazy part was that I had never really run before!!! I could probably count on my hands how many times that I had run in my life! I picked out a couch to 13.1 plan I thought would work for me and started running just like that. It has been a year of pain, heartache, more pain, but most of all more reward than words can describe.

One year ago I could not even run a mile and since January, through injury, major health issues, and life in general I have managed to run 363 miles!!!! A half marathon, one 5k, and one 4 mile race are included in those miles. I have 3 races under my belt and a ton more to come. Race season is upon us and I am ecstatic!! I can't wait to get out there and start collecting some PR's and some bling! Yes, I run for the bling!! :) Today also marks the first run day of my new 13.1 training plan. In just 81 days I will be running my second half marathon!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday Miles 9/23

Yes, there was no update last week and that is due to there being no miles to report. :( As I said in my previous MM report I was having pains in my shins again. I went to my primary Dr., who didn't even look at my leg, and went straight for a referral to a sports medicine Dr. I was evaluated by that Dr. a few days later and started Physical Therapy 3 times a week for the next 6 weeks. At PT they are using ultra sound, massage, ice massage and exercises to get me on my way to being injury free again.

I was told to take another week of from running, but 4 days later I could not take it any more and went for an easy 3.1 on the treadmill. While telling the physical therapist that I went for an easy run the night before little did I know the Dr. was right behind me. Whoops. Thankfully she was OK with me doing an easy run, and even laughed at my "only 3 miles" remark. She says us distance runners are crazy. Another cool thing about the clinic I am going to is that one of the therapists there ran the inaugural Disney Marathon! So cool! She totally gets me. :)

Anyway, enough rambling and off to my very easy week.

Week of 9/16-9/22
Tuesday: 3.1 miles
Thursday: 2 miles
Saturday: Elliptical 45 minutes

Weekly totals: 5.1 miles
Monthly totals: 26.1 miles
Yearly totals: 363 miles
73% of my goal to run 500 miles this year complete!

As a side note I decided to ditch my previous training plan. If you have been following along I have been running a ton of miles, much more than I feel I should be this far out from my half marathon. It had me run 13 or more miles multiple times before my race, which I have since learned is completely unnecessary. This week I am starting a new plan, Hal Higdon's Novice 2 13.1 plan to be exact. After looking it over I think it is going to be great for me and I love that I can ease back into running with this plan. Hopefully be injury free from now on as well!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Down a race

Well, I am down a half marathon for the year and I am pretty bummed about it. I was supposed to do the St. Augustine 10K on a Saturday and the Half on Sunday. An email was sent that they are now doing all the races on Sunday. I am already signed up for the 10K so that is the one I am stuck with. I was using the two races to gauge how much more training I needed to do for the Tinkerbell 10K and Half in January, where I am aiming for a 2 hour or less half time. Oh well. I do have another half I am very tempted to do and may go ahead and take the plunge and sign up for it even though it is weeks earlier and I am currently injured. More about that in my next blog post.

Have you ever been excited about a race and it was canceled?

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

5 New Runner Tips

I am a fairly new runner and there are a few things I wish I had known at the start that would have helped me out. My pain is your gain. :)

#1 Running shoes are NOT created equally
Anytime one of my friends starts running the first thing I tell them to do it to go to a running shoe store and get properly fitted. I am not talking about a Foot Locker or equivalent, go to a store that specializes in running. Your body will thank you for it! Many of these stores do more than just measure your feet. They analyze your foot and even have you get on a treadmill to analyze your stride. Yes, real running shoes cost more money, but trust me you will spend a whole lot more on shoes and possibly injury related expenses down the road if you don't make the right shoe choice.

#2 Set a goal
My biggest motivator is having a goal! Time, distance, total mileage, you pick, just make sure you set one and when you surpass that goal set a new one! I started running because I signed up for a half marathon. Yep, I was that person who had never really run yet I signed up for a half marathon and then started running. Totally backwards I know. I only had 5 months to do it in too! January 1st I also decided to set a mileage goal for the year. I thought 500 miles was a realistic goal. If I had not battled with my health so badly at the beginning of the year I would have already reached that goal, but the point is I will reach that goal before the end of the year. I also sign up for races to help motivate me and keep me on track. You can see all that I am currently registered for over there -----> So after you finish reading this, set a goal and start working towards it.

#3 Fuel your body
Your body needs fuel to work properly and it needs good fuel at that. Try to eat as little processed foods as you can. Always eat an hour or more before you run. A well balanced meal with protein will do wonders for your body. You are what you eat. You eat crappy food you will in turn feel crappy. Don't believe me, eat clean for a week and see how amazing you feel and how much better you perform! I also do not believe in carb loading before long runs. That is a personal preference and one that many runners agree with.
Hydrate! If you are not properly hydrated before your run you will encounter cramps, fatigue, sore muscles and much worse things can happen especially if you are dehydrated. Make sure you are drinking AT LEAST eight 8oz glasses a day. Thankfully this has never been a problem for me since I drink a ton of water and that is usually the only beverage I have throughout the day.

#4 Mind over matter
Running is totally mind over matter. Still to this day I have times where my mind it telling me "you can't do this" I look down to see I am not even a mile in. No mind, I CAN do this and I WILL do this!! Sometimes it is hard to shut your mind up and just run, but once you figure out how to do it, you can run forever! When I run I try to focus on any and every positive aspect that I can. Sometimes the positive is the beautiful weather, the animals along the path, the faster pace I am currently at, the fun things I am going to do when I finish my run, something one of my kids said, reliving a moment in my head, etc. I envision myself crossing that finish line of a race and the sense of accomplishment I will feel. This helps me a ton when I am having an off day and just want to quit. The more I think about that finish line the harder I run. Anytime I find myself going towards a negative I try to quickly get myself out of it before it totally ruins my run and trust me it does!

#5 Running takes time
You wont be able to get out there and run a mile right away, especially if you are truly new to running. I tried to run several times in the past, but gave up shortly after starting do to the frustration of not being able to run a mile straight. What I neglected to realize is that I may have not been able to run that mile, but each time I was getting a little closer. With all the running apps out there these days it is so easy to track your progress and see that you are getting better. That was what made me stick with it this last time around. I logged my runs each and every time. A run that was just a few seconds faster made me so happy. I currently use Runkeeper and love it! I set my goal for the year, I am currently using one of their training programs, and I have several friends that use the app as well so I am able to check in on them and cheer them along too.

I hope these little tips help you out. Now get out there and start running! :)

Monday, September 9, 2013

Monday Miles 9/9

Week of 9/2-9/8

Monday: Disney
Tuesday: Lazy
Thursday: 5 miles a.m. 7 miles p.m.
Saturday: 5 miles
Sunday: 4 miles

My legs are now in total pain so I am going to rest for a week or so and hope they get better. I have done everything I can to prevent injury again, but unfortunately they are painful and this time probably the worse they have ever been. I had read and read about shin splints and my pain is not where shin splint pain typically is so I am wondering what exactly the issue is. I am wondering if a lower inner knee problem is to blame. I am going to keep icing it every 30 minutes when I am home and buy some KT tape to see if that helps. I have plenty of time before my next half marathon so I need to take care of myself and rest now so I am ready to go for my race.

Weekly: 21 miles
Monthly: 21 miles
Yearly: 358 miles
72% of my goal to run 500 miles this year complete!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

September Goals

First up August goals revisited....

Running: 86+ miles Even with my missed training day I exceeded this goal!! 
Elliptical: 200 minutes Fail! I only did 105 minutes and that was at the beginning of the month. 
Push-ups: 200 Fail! I started doing them at the beginning of the month and forgot about them. I threw the paper away that I was keeping track of them on so I have no clue how many I even did. 
Squats: 1800 See push up response above 
Lifestyle: Eat clean most of the week and give myself one indulge day for each meal per week. I did really well with this. Eating clean is not hard for me at all and I feel so much better when I do. Even while at Disney I ate pretty good besides the treats and a hot dog. 

September Goals:
Running: 105 miles
Elliptical: 200 minutes
Plank every day
Push up's: 200
1 minute wall sit 3 days a week.

What are your goals for September? 

Monday Miles 9/2

I know it is Wednesday, but after spending the holiday weekend at Disney this is the first time I have had a chance to sit down at the computer since we returned Monday evening.

Week of 8/26-9/1

Monday: 5 miles
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: 5 miles
Thursday: 5 miles
Friday: 10 miles
Saturday: Disney
Sunday: Disney

Friday was my first time ever running 10 miles straight!! And I did it with a 9:19 average pace!!!!! It was such a huge accomplishment for me! My average pace (min/mi) for the month was 9:03!!!

Weekly: 25 miles
Monthly: 93 miles
Yearly: 337 miles
67% of my goal to run 500 miles this year is complete!!!