Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday Miles 9/23

Yes, there was no update last week and that is due to there being no miles to report. :( As I said in my previous MM report I was having pains in my shins again. I went to my primary Dr., who didn't even look at my leg, and went straight for a referral to a sports medicine Dr. I was evaluated by that Dr. a few days later and started Physical Therapy 3 times a week for the next 6 weeks. At PT they are using ultra sound, massage, ice massage and exercises to get me on my way to being injury free again.

I was told to take another week of from running, but 4 days later I could not take it any more and went for an easy 3.1 on the treadmill. While telling the physical therapist that I went for an easy run the night before little did I know the Dr. was right behind me. Whoops. Thankfully she was OK with me doing an easy run, and even laughed at my "only 3 miles" remark. She says us distance runners are crazy. Another cool thing about the clinic I am going to is that one of the therapists there ran the inaugural Disney Marathon! So cool! She totally gets me. :)

Anyway, enough rambling and off to my very easy week.

Week of 9/16-9/22
Tuesday: 3.1 miles
Thursday: 2 miles
Saturday: Elliptical 45 minutes

Weekly totals: 5.1 miles
Monthly totals: 26.1 miles
Yearly totals: 363 miles
73% of my goal to run 500 miles this year complete!

As a side note I decided to ditch my previous training plan. If you have been following along I have been running a ton of miles, much more than I feel I should be this far out from my half marathon. It had me run 13 or more miles multiple times before my race, which I have since learned is completely unnecessary. This week I am starting a new plan, Hal Higdon's Novice 2 13.1 plan to be exact. After looking it over I think it is going to be great for me and I love that I can ease back into running with this plan. Hopefully be injury free from now on as well!

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