Monday, September 9, 2013

Monday Miles 9/9

Week of 9/2-9/8

Monday: Disney
Tuesday: Lazy
Thursday: 5 miles a.m. 7 miles p.m.
Saturday: 5 miles
Sunday: 4 miles

My legs are now in total pain so I am going to rest for a week or so and hope they get better. I have done everything I can to prevent injury again, but unfortunately they are painful and this time probably the worse they have ever been. I had read and read about shin splints and my pain is not where shin splint pain typically is so I am wondering what exactly the issue is. I am wondering if a lower inner knee problem is to blame. I am going to keep icing it every 30 minutes when I am home and buy some KT tape to see if that helps. I have plenty of time before my next half marathon so I need to take care of myself and rest now so I am ready to go for my race.

Weekly: 21 miles
Monthly: 21 miles
Yearly: 358 miles
72% of my goal to run 500 miles this year complete!

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